Manolis Antonoyiannakis 


Senior Associate Editor & Bibliostatistics Analyst                                                                       The American Physical Society, 1 Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740                                                       






Information science, network science, computational social science, digital humanities, machine learning

Science of science, scholarly publishing, research assessment, scientometrics, bibliostatistics 




1998 PhD, Physics, Imperial College London

1994     MS, Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

1992     BS,Theoretical Physics (highest rank), Royal Holloway, University of London




2019 Columbia Engineering Data Analytics Boot Camp, The Fu Foundation School of Engineering 

and Applied Science, Columbia University 



2017–           Senior Associate Editor, American Physical Society 

2013–          Bibliostatistics Analyst, American Physical Society

2006–23    Adjunct Associate Research Scientist, Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, 

Columbia University

2011­–17      Senior Assistant Editor, American Physical Society 

2008–10      Scientific Advisor to the President, European Research Council (ERC)

2003–11      Assistant Editor, American Physical Society 

2000–03 Science Editor, Crete Univ. Press, Foundation for Research & Technology–Hellas (FORTH) 




Refereed Journal Articles, Conference Proceedings, Book Chapters (10)

Highlight: D. S. Chawla, “Promoted Physics Studies Are Cited More”, Physics Today (11 June 2021) [link]

Highlight: B. Tyrrell, “How Much Can a Single Paper Affect the Impact Factor?”, Publication Plan, (23 August 2019) [link]


Manuscripts in preparation


Editorials & Commentaries (4) 

1. Editorial: Highlighting Impact and the Impact of Highlighting: PRB Editors' Suggestions, M. Antonoyiannakis, Physical Review B 92, 210001 (2015)

2. The European Research Council: A Revolutionary Excellence Initiative for Europe, M. Antonoyiannakis and F. C. Kafatos, European Review 17, 511 (2009)

3. Editorial: Is PRL too large to have an ‘impact’?, M. Antonoyiannakis and S. Mitra, Physical Review Letters 102, 060001 (2009)

4. The European Research Council Takes Flight, M. Antonoyiannakis, J. Hemmelskamp and F. C. Kafatos, Cell 136, 805 (2009)

Edited Volumes (5)

1.  An Introduction to Quantum Physics: A First Course for Physicists, Chemists, Materials Scientists, and Engineers, by S. Trachanas, M. Antonoyiannakis (ed.), L. Tsetseris (ed.) (Wiley-VCH, 2017). ISBN: 978-3-527-41247-1. I co-translated from Greek and co-edited the English edition. 

2. General Relativity, by J. L. Martin (Prentice Hall, 1996). Published in Greek by Crete University Press, 2005. ISBN: 978-960-524-198-8.  I edited the Greek translation (language editing)

3. Thomas’ Calculus, 10thed., rev. by R.L. Finney, M. D. Weir, and F. R. Giordano (Addison Wesley Longman, 2001). Published in Greek by Crete University Press, 2004. ISBN: 978-960-524-182-7. I translated and edited the Greek edition. 

4. Problems in Quantum Mechanics, by S. Trachanas. Published in Greek by Crete University Press, 2002. ISBN: 978-960-524-142-1. I solved and verified many of the 150 problems, quizzes, and solved examples in the book. 

5. Thermodynamics, by E. Fermi (Dover, 1956). Published in Greek by Crete University Press, 2002. ISBN: 978-960-524-138-4. I co-edited the Greek translation (language and science editing). 


Science Writing

As an editor for Physical Review Letters, I wrote the following Synopses in the APS publication Physics magazine, on papers the editors deemed most interesting or important.


M. Antonoyiannakis, Drilling for Tunable Photons in a Nanohole, Physics 2, s93 (2009)

M. Antonoyiannakis, Never Say Never to a Forbidden Transition, Physics 3, s7 (2010)

M. Antonoyiannakis, Isotropy Can’t Be Swept Under a Carpet Cloak, Physics 3, s81 (2010)

M. Antonoyiannakis, Chirp and Compress, Physics 3, s92 (2010)

M. Antonoyiannakis, Ups and Downs in a BEC, Physics 3, s112 (2010)

M. Antonoyiannakis, No More Orders, Please!, Physics 3, s137 (2010)

M. Antonoyiannakis, An Invisible Gateway, Physics 3, s169 (2010)

M. Antonoyiannakis, Plasmonics Guide the Way to Entanglement, Physics 4, s9 (2011)

M. Antonoyiannakis, What Lies Beneath, Physics 4, s11 (2011)

M. Antonoyiannakis, Preventive Circuitry, Physics 4, s56 (2011)

M. Antonoyiannakis, Light Gets Into the Double Groove, Physics 4, s150 (2011)

M. Antonoyiannakis, No Permission for Emission, Physics 4, s164 (2011)



1995–98           Beit Fellowship for Scientific Research, Imperial College London 

1992                 Martin Holloway Prize for best graduate in the Science Faculty, Royal Holloway, University of London     

1992                 Driver Prize for best final-year student at the Physics Department, Royal Holloway, University of London  

1991                 Leo Pincherle Prizefor excellence in physics, Royal Holloway, University of London

1990                 Leo Pincherle Prizefor excellence in physics, Royal Holloway, University of London     




2017 Making Sense of Journal Impact Metrics, Institute of Physics, University Rostock, Rostock, Germany (November 30)

Peer Review Meets Analytics, Physics Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL (October 6)

2016   Selectivity, Prestige, and High-Impact in Science Publishing: An APS Perspective, Doctoral School 

            “Metamaterials: From THz to Optics,” Crete, Greece (September 18)

2015   Analyzing Peer Review, Early Stage Career Workshop, Nanoscale Quantum Optics COST Action, Malta (November 17)

            Scientific Publishing in APS Journals: Review Process & Citation Analysis, Tel Aviv University, Physics Department, Tel 

Aviv, Israel (June 28)

            Science Publishing: Trends & Challenges, ETOPIM 10 conference, Neve Ilan, Israel (June 26)

            Impact Facts & Impact Factors: A View from the Physical Review, PQE - The Winter Colloquium on the Physics of 

Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, UT (January 6)

2013    The Intricacies of Peer Review: An Insider's View from the Physical Review, Wesleyan University, Physics Department, 

Middletown, CT (October 24)

         Peer Review and Citation Analysis in Physical Review Letters,3rd European PhD School on Mathematical 

Modeling of Complex Systems, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Heraklion, Greece (July 22)

2012    The Physical Review Journals & You: Why and How Should We Work Together? Nanyang Technological University, Physics 

Department, Singapore (October 10)

            National University of Singapore, Center for Quantum Technologies, Singapore (October 9)

            National University of Singapore, Physics Department, Singapore (October 8) 

            Editors' Session, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Advanced Study Institute, Hong Kong, China 

(October 6)

            The Physical Review Journals & You: Why and How Should We Work Together, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Physics 

Department, Shanghai, China (September 27)

            The Physical Review Journals & You: How to Work Together, Nanjing University, Physics Department, Nanjing, China 

(September 25)

            First Joint Session Between the Chinese Physical Society and the American Physical Society, Sun Yat-sen University, 

Guangzhou, China (September 22)

2011    Scientific Publishing in a Competitive Environment: Physical Review Letters and Physics in the New Era, European 

Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS), Florence, Italy (February 25)

            Scientific Publishing in a Competitive Environment: Physical Review Letters and Physics in the New Era, University of Texas 

at Austin, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Austin, TX (February 10)

            Scientific Publishing in a Competitive Environment: Physical Review Letters and Physics in the New Era, Commissariat à l' 

énergie atomique (CEA) – Saclay, Quantum Electronics Group, Paris, France (January 21)

            Scientific Publishing in a Competitive Environment: Physical Review Letters and Physics in the New Era, University of Paris, 

Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Paris, France (January 20)

            Scientific Publishing in a Competitive Environment: Physical Review Letters and Physics in the New Era, University of Paris, 

Institut d' Electronique Fondamentale, Paris, France (January 19) 

            Scientific Publishing in a Competitive Environment: Physical Review Letters and Physics in the New Era, Ecole 

Polytechnique, Physics Department, Paris, France (January 18)

            NANOMETA 2011 (Nanophotonics and Metamaterials) conference, Seefeld, Austria (January 5)

2010    Scientific Publishing in a Competitive Environment: Physical Review Letters and Physics in the New Era,National Technical 

University of Athens, Physics Department, Athens, Greece (November 19)

2009    Institute of Physics, Standing Conference of Physics Professors (SCPP), London, UK (November 20)

            Getting Published—and Getting Noticed—in Physical Review Letters, University of Southampton, Optoelectronics 

Research Center, Southampton, UK (May 14)

            CIC Nanogune, Nanoscience Cooperative Research Center, San Sebastian, Spain (January 29)

2008    Successful Letters in Physical Review Letters, Extreme Photonics Lab, RIKEN, Wako, Japan (September 26)

            Successful Letters in Physical Review Letters: An Editor's Perspective, Kyoto University, Yukawa Institute of Theoretical 

Physics, Kyoto, Japan (September 25)

            Successful Letters in Physical Review Letters, Tokyo University, Physics Department, Tokyo, Japan (September 24) 

            Successful Letters in Physical Review Letters, Tokyo University, Applied Physics Department, Tokyo, Japan (September 


Peer Review and Citation Analysis in PRL: An Editor's Perspective, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Physics 

Department, Thessaloniki, Greece (January 31) 

            Peer Review and Citation Analysis in PRL: An Editor's Perspective, University College London, Centre for Computational 

Science, London, UK (January 25)

            Peer Review and Citation Analysis in PRL: An Editor's Perspective, Imperial College London, Physics Department, London, 

UK (January 24)

            Peer Review and Citation Analysis in PRL: An Editor's Perspective, Royal Holloway, University of London, Physics 

Department, Egham, UK (January 22)

            Peer Review and Citation Analysis in Physical Review Letters: An Editor's Perspective, Cambridge University, Cavendish 

Laboratory, Cambridge, UK (January 21)

2007    Peer Review in Physical Review & Letters, University of Crete, Physics Department, Heraklion, Greece (July 19)

            Peer Review in Physical Review & Letters, Dresden University of Technology, Institute of Solid State Physics (IFP), 

Dresden, Germany (January 17)

            Peer Review in Physical Review & Letters, Goethe University, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Frankfurt, Germany 

(January 16)

            Peer Review in Physical Review & Letters, Max Planck Institute for Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany (January 15)

            Peer Review in Physical Review & Letters, Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW-

Dresden), Winter School, Dresden, Germany (January 14)

2005    The Peer Review Process at the Physical Review, EKEFE Demokritos, Institute of Materials Science, Athens, Greece 

(October 27)

            The Peer Review Process at the Physical Review, National Technical University of Athens, Department of Sciences, 

Athens, Greece (October 25)

            The Peer Review Process at the Physical Review, University of Athens, Physics Department, Athens, Greece (October 18)



2023 The Journal Φ Index and Highly Cited Papers, M. Antonoyiannakis, APS March Meeting, Las Vegas, NV (March) 

2022     Global Gender Estimation from Distribution of First Names, M. Antonoyiannakis, H. Chaté, S. Dalena, J. Thomas, A. Villar,

  International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication (poster session), Chicago, IL (September 9)

Prediction of Citation Accrual from Editorial Highlights, M. Antonoyiannakis, APS March Meeting, Chicago, IL (March 14) 


2021   Does publicity in the science press drive citations?, M. Antonoyiannakis, Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the 

International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics, (2021) [poster] [video]

2021     Φ Index: A standardized scale-independent citation indicator, APS March Meeting, online (March 19)

2020     Impact Factor volatility to a single paper: A comprehensive analysis of 11639 journals, APS March Meeting, Denver, CO 

(March 6)

2019     How a single paper affects the Impact Factor: Implications for Scholarly Publishing, 17th International Society for 

Scientometrics and Informetrics, Rome, Italy (September 4)

             Impact Factors and the Central Limit Theorem: Why Citation Averages are Scale Dependent, APS March Meeting, Boston, 

MA (March 6)

2018     Why Impact Factor Rankings Favor Small Journals, APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA (March 6)

2017     Editorial Highlighting and Highly Cited Papers, APS March Meeting, New Orleans, LA (March 14)

2016    Highlighted Impact: Do editors' selections identify influential papers?, APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD (March 18)

2015     Median Citation Index vs. Journal Impact Factor, APS March Meeting,San Antonio, TX (March 6)

2011     Quantifying Peer Review, Wave Propagation conference (WAVEPRO), Rethymno, Greece (June 9)

2009     S-index: Measuring Significant, not Average, Citation Performance, APS March Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA (March 18)

2008     Citation Analysis: Beyond the Journal Impact Factor, APS March Meeting, New Orleans, LA (March 13)




2021 Does Publicity in the Science Press Drive Citations? A Vindication of Peer Review, American Physical Society, Editorial

Shindig (virtual) (July 23)

2016     Highlighting Papers, American Physical Society, Editors’ Annual Fall Meeting, Ridge, NY (October 29)

2015     Tutorial for Authors & Referees, APS March Meeting, San Antonio, TX (March 4)

2014     What is Physical Review X? APS March Meeting, Denver, CO (March 4)

2013     “In God We Trust, All Others [Must] Bring Data:" Bibliostatistics Support for the Editorial Office, American Physical Society, 

Editors’ Annual Fall Meeting, Ridge, NY, (November 9)

2010     Impact Statistics, American Physical Society, Editors’ Annual Fall Meeting, Ridge, NY (October 23)

2009     The European Research Council: Funding Frontier Research on the Basis of Peer Reviewed Excellence, American Physical 

Society, Editorial Office, Ridge, NY (March 25)

2008     Quantifying Citation Impact, Columbia University, Dept. of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, New York, NY 

(May 15)

             A Road Less Traveled: An Editorial Career, APS March Meeting, Panel on Alternative Careers, New Orleans, LA (March 


2007     Mining the Web of Science, American Physical Society, Editorial Office, Ridge, NY (October 2)






2016–17 5-lecture seminar on Scientific Publishing, IGERT Quantum Optics, Columbia University. 

                     Lecture themes: (a) writing a paper, (b) peer review, (c) citation analysis & performance metrics, 

                     (d) publication ethics, (e) topics from the history & sociology of science publishing




1995–96 Lab demonstrator, Physics Department, Imperial College London                                

1992–94     Graduate Teaching Assistant, Physics Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 

                    Courses taught: Statistical Mechanics (7thsemester); Electricity & Mechanics Lab (4thsemester); 

                     Quantum Physics (7thsemester); Quantum Physics (8thsemester)                               




Python programming, R, VBA, Databases, Tableau, Machine Learning




Journal of Informetrics


Physical Review E

Learned Publishing

Springer (Books)

Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics



Review Editor, Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 2022–

Editorial Board Member, Metrics Toolkit, 2020–



Co-organizer, Physical Review journals symposium, Metamaterials 2022, Siena, Italy (September 12–15, 2022)

Program committee, Predicting the Dynamics of Research Impact, Springer, Cham (2021)

Co-organizer, Physical Review journals symposium, Metamaterials 2021, online (September 20–23, 2021)

Organizer & moderator, panel on Scholarly Metrics in Research Assessment, APS March Meeting, Denver, CO (March 4, 2020)

Co-organizer, Physical Review journals symposium, Metamaterials 2020, online (September 28–30, 2020)

Poster award committee, US/Middle East Conference on Photonics, New York, NY (November 4–6, 2019)

Organizer & moderator, panel on Scholarly Metrics in Research Assessment, APS March Meeting, Boston, MA (March 6, 2019)

Co-organizer, Physical Review journals symposium, Metamaterials 2019, Rome, Italy (September 17, 2019)

Co-organizer, Physical Review journals symposium, Metamaterials 2018, Espoo, Finland (August 29, 2018)

Co-organizer, Physical Review journals symposium, Metamaterials 2017, Marseille, France (August 28, 2017)

Program committee, NANOMETA 2013, Seefeld, Austria (January 3–6, 2013)

Program committee, NANOMETA 2011, Seefeld, Austria (January 3–6, 2011)




1993–    American Physical Society (APS) 

2012–    American Statistical Association (ASA)

2013–    Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) 

2018–    International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI) 




2010     Interview, Kathimerini, (June 6) (in Greek)

2019     Equal Voting is Our Right, Letter to the Editor on expatriates’ voting rights, Kathimerini (October 22) (in Greek)



English (fluent), Greek (fluent)



1999–00            National military service (Greece) 

1998–03            Co-founder & volunteer, Heraklion’s Humane Society “ΖΩΟΦΙΛΗ ΔΡΑΣΗ”, Crete, Greece