Why bibliostatistics?
Bibliostatistics: Statistically minded bibliometrics
Bibliostatistics is an interdisciplinary field that results from the application of statistics and data science to scholarly publishing, peer review, and research assessment.
Our aim is not simply to "count and report" on various quantities that can be measured, but to gain a deeper understanding of the metrics involved in research assessment: their properties, fundamental limitations, range of validity, proper use, etc. We believe that for this level of understanding, a solid foundation in statistics is essential. Combined with powerful data science tools, it can be very productive too.
[June 2021] Physics Today highlights my paper: See D. S. Chawla, “Promoted Physics Studies Are Cited More”
[January 2021] I am honored to join the 2021 Metrics Toolkit Editorial Board for a 2nd year
Recent paper
M. Antonoyiannakis. In T. Vergoulis and Y. Manolopoulos (Eds.), Predicting the Dynamics of Research Impact (Springer, 2021)
Recent paper
M. Antonoyiannakis, Quantitative Science Studies 1, 639 (2020).
Recent talk
18th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, poster (July 14, 2021)
Recent talk
APS March Meeting (March 19, 2021)
How a Single Paper Affects the Impact Factor: Implications for Scholarly Publishing, Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the International Society on Scientometrics & Informetrics, vol. II, 2306-2313 (2019)
Impact Factors and the Central Limit Theorem: Why citation averages are scale dependent, M. Antonoyiannakis, Journal of Informetrics 12, 1072 (2018)